Essay Contest Winners

June 2015

I believe this about nursing...we care to change our patients, our community, and the world. 

May 2015

I believe this about nursing …“It gives ordinary people the opportunity to be a proponent for every patient especially those who may fall through the cracks of the health care system.” 

I believe this about nursing ... no matter where you come from you can always make a difference. 

April 2015

I believe nursing brings out the best in you.  Being only in my first year of nursing school, I have seen a transformation in my life for the better.  

March 2015


I believe this about nursing … “Nursing is a way of life that is constantly changing and creating different opportunities to mold and strengthen the structure of the nursing field.”


 I believe this about nursing…that it is a profession unlike any other.

 I believe this about nursing…”You may not make the most money or receive the highest recognition, but day in and day out you’ll be making the biggest difference in the lives of patients.”

February 2015

I believe this about nursing… "Nursing is a profession where the need to understand your patient outweighs your need to be understood."

I believe this about nursing... "Nursing is the embodiment of my beliefs, a vessel for me to exude my character of love and care on a population that needs it the most."

I believe this about nursing..."Nurses have the unique opportunity to make a positive impact on people's health and their self-worth."

January 2015

I believe this about nursing..."It is a way to keep growing and challenging yourself; educationally, physically, mentally, and what is life without opportunities seized is life unfulfilled."

I believe this about nursing... "to become a nurse to not only treat the patients’ illnesses but also their quality of life."

December 2014

I believe this about nursing..."It encompasses serving all people. It is born of respect for individuals and grown by skill and service."

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is an opportunity. An opportunity to make a difference in someone`s life through care and prevention, and an opportunity for growth.”

I believe this about nursing... "Nursing is a rewarding profession that can lead to daily opportunities to make a difference in others."

November 2014

I believe this about nursing… “When you’re a nurse you know that every day you will touch a life or a life will touch yours.” – Author Unknown

I believe this about nursing… “Nurses are the heart of healthcare and the hospitality of hospitals.”

I believe this about nursing... “Nursing is one of the greatest career paths a person could ever walk down; it is diverse, flexible and rewarding.”

October 2014

 I believe this about nursing... 

 I believe this about nursing...

I believe this about nursing…"it is more than a profession, it is a vocation, a way of life, and will forever define who I am."

April 2014

I believe this about nursing... "Nursing is the leading profession in building relationships with people."

March 2014

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is a job of service and I want nothing more than to be a servant."

February 2014

I believe this about nursing... "Nursing provides a way for me to combine my love for helping others with my passion for the human body."
I believe this about Nursing..."Nursing is a calling; it takes a strong heart, a warm heart and a compassionate heart."

January 2014

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing seems to be the perfect blend of challenging, fun, and rewarding." 
I believe this about nursing.."Nursing is the intersection of humility, knowledge, and compassion."

December 2013

I believe this about nursing... "The nursing profession will open many opportunities and I am greatly looking forward to the unique challenge that each will provide."
I believe this about nursing... "It is the frontline defense in the healthcare world."

November 2013

I believe this about nursing... "Nursing is spending time assessing the total needs of a patient to increase overall health."
I believe this about nursing… "Nursing is not only a career but a distinct way of improving people’s life by managing their health problems, maintaining health, and enhancing healthy state."
I believe this about nursing... "Nursing is about passion and commitment to ensuring that quality and effective care is being provided."

October 2013

I believe this about nursing... "Nurses are nurturing, understanding, responsible, scientific educators, or NURSEs."

September 2013

I believe this about nursing... "You can make a difference one patient at a time."
I believe this about nursing... "Nursing is caring for an individual not as your patient, but as your family."
I believe this about nursing... "It is not just a profession, but a convergence of passionate and holistic care to all."

August 2013

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is life."
I believe this about nursing... "It can be passed down from generation to generation."
I believe this about nursing... "Anyone with the passion, willingness, and stellar work ethic can be a nurse."

July 2013

I believe this about nursing..."It is meaningful work."
I believe this about nursing... "It is for the compassionate."

June 2013

 I believe this about nursing... "Nursing is sharing in others most private and vulnerable moments and in turn discovering yourself and the impact that you can have on those around you."
 I believe this about nursing..." It creates an impact." 

May 2013

I believe this about nursing… it’s about helping people thrive even during the toughest times in life.
I believe this about nursing, the profession calls upon you, when you least expect it and it endears you to make community, your family.
I believe this about nursing..."You can do and be anything in this world if you just believe."

April 2013

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing requires instincts to nurture and protect.”

March 2013

I believe this about nursing… "it is for me!"
 “I Believe this about nursing….” Nursing is the ultimate culmination of art and science. 
 I believe this about nursing... "It is not just a job."

February 2013

 I believe this about nursing... "I am going to be one." 
I believe this about nursing... "Nursing is an act of love through healing of mind, body, and soul."
I believe this about nursing... “Nursing is not just a job, it is certainly a calling.”

January 2013

 I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is a way of living.”
 I believe this about nursing... "Nursing chose me."
I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is an opportunity to journey with others in critical moments of their lives.”

December 2012

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is not simply a job, but it is a way of life; it is a true passion that never subsides."

October 2012

 I believe this about nursing..."I can contribute to patients' well-being through health education."
I believe this about nursing..."It is an art and applied science to assist people at the mos vulnerable times, doing for them those things they cannot do for themselves at that particular time." 
 I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is the jazz improvisation of healthcare."

September 2012




I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is a packaged gift from one human heart to the next for the space we share with each other.”

August 2012

I believe this about nursing..."I believe that nursing is about building compassionate relationships with others."
I believe this about nursing... “Nursing has given me a second chance.”

July 2012

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is most rewarding!" 

I believe this about nursing… “It is an amazing opportunity.”

I believe this about nursing..."You have to have dedication and compassion."

June 2012

I believe this about nursing. . . "Nursing is an opportunity."

May 2012

I believe this about nursing… "It is a dream-come-true."

I believe this about nursing… “Nurses are like a musical melody— providing a message of comfort, hope and reassurance to both patients and families.”

I believe this about nursing…"Being a nurse means being able to care for others with a pure heart rather than just meeting the title requirements." 

April 2012

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is the pulsating heart of human care, without which a great deal of lives would be wasted or lost.”

I believe this about nursing… “It is fascinating.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is more than a career—it’s a calling.”

March 2012

I believe this about nursing… “For the first two decades of my life, I definitely did not want to do it.”

I believe this about nursing...“Nurses help save lives, make a true difference and inspire those around them.”

I believe this about nursing... "Nurses can help their patients muster inner strength in times of need."

February 2012

I believe this about nursing… "Nurses motivate and inspire others to believe in themselves."

I believe this about nursing..."It has given me a deeper appreciation for the need for compassionate care."

I believe this about nursing..."Nurses promote change, aid those in need and educate others."


January 2012

I believe this about nursing… “Nurses are on the frontline of patient care.”

I believe this about nursing…"It is more than just a career; it is a passionate commitment to give all that you can to the people and environment around you."

I believe this about nursing... “Nursing is nurturing, unequivocal, restoring, strengthening, inner healing, new life, gift of God’s creativity."

December 2011

I believe this about nursing... "Nurses are the greatest teachers."

I believe this about nursing… "Nurses are the voices for our patients."

I believe this about nursing… "Nursing has no borders."

November 2011

I believe this about nursing..."Patients are not just another name on a list."

I beliebe this about nursing..."Nurses are angels."

I believe this about nursing..."Nurses give back."

October 2011

I believe this about nursing..."Nurses are not only the last line of defense they are also the first line of defense."

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing plays an important role in society in helping to assure a necessary balance between illness, health maintenance, and health education."

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing empowers individuals to enhance quality of life at the individual, familial, and community level.”

September 2011

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is about giving “second” chances."

I believe this about nursing… "Nursing will allow me to positively influence a patient’s experience every day."

I believe this about nursing… "Nursing provides flexibility and elasticity of choice affording those changing careers the ability to explore more positions than any other career field."

August 2011

I believe this about nursing... "Nursing combines the gift of social and physical healing."

I believe this about nursing, Nursing is a catalyst for change; it is undeniable proof that medical expertise and compassion do not have to be mutually exclusive concepts.

Jeffrey Bose

I believe this about nursing… "Nursing not only provides a service to the community, but it rewards the nurse as well."

July 2011

I believe this about nursing…"Nursing is being an advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves."

I Believe This About Nursing…"No other profession combines the science of medicine with the art of patient care in the way nursing does."

June 2011

I believe this about nursing… “It has entirely influenced my life and my long-term education and career goals.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is an avenue to improve health in individuals and saving lives!”

I believe this about nursing… “It is not just a job about caring.” 


May 2011

I believe this about nursing… "That I will make a difference."

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is about touching the lives of others while providing optimal care for patients’ health and well-being.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is about caring for others, putting others before one’s self, meticulous attention to detail and a relentless pursuit to adhere to the highest standards set by those who have come before me.”

April 2011

I believe this about nursing.... “It allows you to become conscious of being human.”

I believe this about nursing...“Nursing is more than just a job."

I believe this about nursing…..“Nursing is for helping those in need.”

March 2011

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is beautiful.

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is tough!"

I believe this about nursing… “It is the present and the future of our economy, our lives and our relationships.”

January 2011

I believe this about nursing…”Dedication, determination, and passion ultimately lead to a successful and rewarding career in Nursing.”

I believe this about nursing… “Each nurse brings their own great attributes to work to help patients reach their goals.”

I believe this about nursing…"the field of nursing is both an art and a science; nursing cannot have one without the other."

December 2010

I believe this about nursing…"Nursing is an opportunity to use your God given talent and education to provide the world with a dedication to care and healing.”

I believe this about nursing… “It is not only for the ill”.

I believe this about nursing… “It has fueled my passion to help others.”

November 2010

I believe this about nursing… “Nurses dispense health, hope and self-respect, as well as doses of care and compassion.”

I believe this about nursing…  “The positive characteristics we strive to possess can be developed by being of service to others.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nurses offer ‘exemplary service’ which consists of a mixed-recipe of scientific knowledge, training, and an appreciation for all things humane.”

October 2010

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is an art form and not only a unique profession but also an identity that incorporates the witnessing of miracles, life, death and transformation.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is an occupation that requires one’s care about individuals, their families and the quality of life.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing affords the opportunity to impact the lives of patients and their loved ones through the promotion of health and the provision of personalized care.” 

September 2010

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing aims to advocate and help people in underserved areas.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing education offers a platform to foster leadership and diversity in the healthcare industry.”

August 2010

I believe this about nursing… “My nursing school journey transformed, enlightened and inspired new colors in me.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is not only a career, but a way of life.  It starts in the heart, spreads to the body, and continues through your soul.” 

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing isn’t just a career-it’s a calling.”

July 2010

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing isn’t merely a profession that you choose to go into. It’s a lifelong calling that is a part of you.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is science, art and a powerful tool to care for others.” 

I believe this about nursing… “With the capability and the right attitude, nurses can make a huge difference in someone's life.” 

June 2010

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is not just a career; it is a vocation. For this reason, not all who aspire to become nurses are successful in doing so.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is a profession which is one unit art, another unit science, and a full dose of remarkable.”

I believe this about nursing… “Personal fulfillment comes from helping others. Nursing as a career is an expression of this belief.” 

May 2010

I believe this about nursing…“Nursing is strong and powerful foundation upon which the medical system stands.”

I believe this about nursing…“The nursing profession will continue to revolutionize the provision of healthcare to underserved populations.”

I believe this about nursing…“ I have fallen immediately in love with nursing midwifery and the field of labor and delivery.”

April 2010

I believe this about nursing…“Nursing is an opportunity to make a difference in my community and to find personal fulfillment in taking care of others.”

I believe this about nursing…“Nursing can and does change lives at every age.”

I believe this about nursing…. “Nursing is proud vital profession and I am truly dedicated to the age-old traditions of human compassion, empathic care and the promotion of social good.”

March 2010

I believe this about nursing…“Nursing is a profession where people from all walks of life come together to help those in need and make a difference in their lives.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is the glue that holds everything together.”

I believe this about nursing … “Nursing is a caring and compassionate profession that also requires competence and leadership.”

February 2010

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is an honorable career where selfless people spend every day helping others in need.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing incorporates firm and steadfast principles of dedication to patients, respect for a profession, and love of intellectual curiosity.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing allows me to express myself.”

January 2010

I believe this about nursing… “There is joy in helping people.”   

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is not only a helping profession but also a giving profession.”   

I believe this about nursing…“It’s the act of turning caring and meaningful thoughts into actions. Instead of just thinking about helping others, you step forward and you do it.”

December 2009

I believe this about nursing… “Through nursing I am able to serve the most vulnerable and neediest of people.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is a path of devotion, hard work and an overwhelming desire to serve those in need.”

November 2009

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is a very important profession that makes a large impact on the patient’s hospital experience.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nurses have the ability to make an impact on the lives of patients.”       

I believe this about nursing… “Having the opportunity to help people at their most vulnerable state and being able to make a difference is what makes this profession one of the most rewarding fields to be a part of.”

October 2009

This I believe about nursing….“Nursing will allow me to be there for people as a nurturer, provider and advocate in some of the most crucial, difficult and wonderful moment of their lives.”

This I believe about nursing… “Nursing takes innovation, imagination and reflection.”

This I believe about nursing… “It is a health care career that opens the door to countless opportunities to help those who are ill, injured or unable to care for themselves.”

September 2009

This I believe about nursing… “Through nursing, I will have the opportunity to comfort others and serve with the care and compassion that was once provided to me.”

This I believe about nursing… “Nursing is about the integration of all parts of well-being, and that is why it is the path for me.”

This I believe about nursing… “Nurses treat not only the disease but also the patient, a task which they are able to accomplish with both wisdom and compassion.”

This I believe about nursing… “Every single day you have the extraordinary opportunity to save a life, heal the sick, comfort the dying and make a tangible difference to all of humanity.”

This I believe about nursing… “Nursing is not just changing bed linens, checking medicines and monitoring charts, it’s allowing yourself to empathize, show compassion and become a companion.”

August 2009

This I believe about nursing… “It gives people the knowledge to serve others who may need assistance to maintain a healthy life.”

This I believe about nursing… “Nursing is a way that I can concretely serve others and make a difference”

This I believe about nursing… “Caregiving is the most gratifying experience”

This I believe about nursing… “Nurses are the cornerstone of successful patient care in the hospital.”

This I believe about nursing… “It is a way of life for those willing to dedicate their time to helping others.”

July 2009

I believe this about nursing… “If nurses and all other medical professionals work in collaboration towards building healthy communities globally, the world would be a better place for generations to come."

I believe this about nursing… “As a field, it provides a natural foundation and environment in which to nurture and develop a career advocating for social justice and health equity.”  

I believe this about nursing… “It has made a difference in my life.”

I believe this about nursing… “It is my calling.”

I believe this about nursing… “It has made a difference in my life.”

June 2009

I believe this about nursing… “It affords me the opportunity to help the poor receive better treatment.”

I believe this about nursing…. “It is the platform to welcome new life into the world, to care for those who are merely seconds from death, and to learn, love and respect all tasks, both critical and trivial in between.”

This I believe about nursing… "It is an important form of community service. Working in a field that helps people was always part of my life. I was taught not to be critical of any volunteer program, but to join it and try to help."

I believe this about nursing…. “It provides the opportunity to provide kind and compassionate care to both patients and their families.”

I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is a lifetime career.”

May 2009

This I believe about nursing…  “The calling can come from anywhere.”

This I believe about nursing… “Being called to serve others is an honor and responsibility which I take seriously.”

This I believe about nursing… “It can give people the tools to change another’s life.”

This I believe about nursing… “It is the most challenging and most fulfilling experience of my life.”

This I believe about nursing… “It has given me the opportunity to be a leader in developing patient care and education while providing comfort and support.”