Allison Seiden

February 2010
Class of 2010


I believe this about nursing… “Nursing is an honorable career where selfless people spend every day helping others in need.”

When I was young, I always dreamt about my future career. After envisioning myself in what seemed like every profession possible, I asked my dad for some advice. He told me that I should find a job that makes me happy and to help people while doing it. The rules were so simple yet so hard for me to find something that fit. I believe that sometimes it takes hard situations for people to be able to see things clearly and realize their true strength. 

It wasn’t until my father was diagnosed with a severe illness that I finally realized what my true calling was. I would see my dad sick and in pain every day and it hurt me to see him so miserable. I never felt as much gratitude towards anyone than I did for the nurse that took care of him. She always seemed to know what to say to my father and my entire family. I felt comfortable knowing that my dad was safe while she was watching him. At this point, I realized that I wanted families to know that their loved ones were safe with me too.
Einstein once said, "Only a life lived for others is a life worth living.” I believe that nurses embody this quote. They dedicate all their time to help make a stranger’s life a little easier. Nurses protect patients and promote well being. They prevent illness and alleviate pain. They are knowledgeable and sincere. They work long hours but leave with a sense of fulfillment at the end of every day. I want to be a nurse for these reasons and more. I want to work in a hospital everyday with the ability to brighten people’s lives by simply doing my job. I want to be the nurse that changed my outlook on life, the nurse that I trusted to take care of my father. I want to live each day knowing that I am helping others and impacting the world around me. I feel so lucky to finally find a career that I love, and which also happens to fit my father’s guidelines.

It was my dad’s experience and guidance that lead me to nursing. I would not be where I am today or as strong as I am today without seeing his courage and determination. I am so thankful to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for enabling me to continue on this journey. Without their support, I would not be able to fulfill my dreams of helping others when they need it the most. I feel nothing but pride when I call myself a student nurse and a New Careers in Nursing scholar. I cannot wait to start my career and dedicate my life to nursing. I am positive that I can make a difference in the lives of others.