Elaine Smith

July 2009
Class of 2009


I believe this about nursing… “It is my calling.”

After more than 25 years of doubting myself and my abilities, I am finally halfway to my dream of becoming a nurse. At 17 years old, I dropped out of high school, not because I wasn't capable but for personal reasons. There is a huge stigma attached to high school dropouts, no matter what the reason; people may even think you are dumb. After dealing with that sentiment too much, I came to doubt own intellect.  I never went back to high school but I did figure out a way to get a college degree without that diploma (pretty smart, Huh?).

I wanted to be a nurse back then but I was scared. Scared of failing, scared of AIDS, scared of what others would say. It’s funny how others’ opinions mean so much when you are young. As I've matured, I’ve realized that the only opinion that matters is mine.  I've grown more comfortable in my own skin and more confident in my abilities.  At 45 years old, I sit in a classroom with others who are a lot younger than I and very competitive. At times I am a little unnerved by it, but I know why I am here and it's not to compete with them.

I've always wanted this and believe it is the plan God had for me all along but I wasn't ready until now. There were too many other distractions before. Now, I know how to focus and have the determination necessary to not only complete the coursework required but to also be an awesome nurse. This is the opportunity to make a better life for me and my family, to be an example that it's never to late to learn or pursue your dreams.   I hope to continue on after this and go for a masters in nursing education so that I can teach.  I have just discovered that as a nurse I won't be too old to join the military (another thing I've always wanted but was too afraid to pursue). Nursing is opening up the whole world for me!