Archived Summit Materials

Summit Attendees

Since its inception in 2008, the NCIN program has hosted three annual program liaison summits. At the 2008 inaugural meeting, NCIN focused on accelerated degrees nursing students and program success. In 2009, the summit addressed issues of sustaining diverse student enrollment in accelerated degree programs. This year, NCIN will share best practices in strategies to transform the workforce with special attention to mentorship of accelerated degree scholars preparing for graduation. Relevant materials from all meetings can be found below.

Vernell DeWitty, PhD, RN & the National Program Office
Patricia Tabloski, PhD, RN, FAAN; Vernell DeWitty, PhD, RN
Lori Escallier, PhD, RN on behalf of the Poster and Planning Committee
Lisa Rosenberg, PhD, RN; Alma Jaromahum, PhD, RN; Carolina Huerta, EdD, RN, FAAN; Michael Beach, DNP, RN; Sandra Webb-Booker, PhD, RN
Herminia Palacio, MD, MPH
Scholars Network Steering Committee
David Krol, MD, MPH, FAAP; Deborah Trautman, PhD, RN
Candace Tull, MSN, RN, WHNP-BC; Vernell DeWitty, PhD, RN; Shelia Leander, PhD, RN; Cecil Holland, EdD, PhD, RN; Lori Escallier, PhD, RN; Patricia Cowan, PhD, RN; Linda Pellico, PhD, RN; Susan Ward, PhD, RN; Ann Marie Mauro, PhD, RN; Cory Boyd, EdD, RN; Lisa Rosenberg, PhD, RN; Debbie Danforth, BSN, RN; Maria Rosario-Sim, EdD, RN