2014 Poster Winner Presentations

Summit Year: 
Presented By: 
Lori Escallier, PhD, RN on behalf of the Poster and Planning Committee

Session Overview:

Poster winners selected as Best in Category will have an opportunity to describe their poster to the community. This year, those submitting abstracts were asked to consider submitting a poster that reflected innovative approaches to implementing their NCIN grants, or that shared results of their recent research .

Session Objective:
  1. Poster winners will describe their work and opportunities for NCIN grantees to collaborate on the design and implementation of innovative projects in accelerated nursing education.
  2. Describe how outcomes of project are generalizable to other accelerated nursing programs.

Categories for poster exhibits are:

• Leadership development activities for accelerated students;
• Successful strategies to recruit and retain ethnically diverse or underrepresented students;
• Innovative program design for accelerated students;
• Successful mentoring programs;
• Career trajectory (overview of your graduates’ 1) employment, 2) transition to graduate programs, and 3) demonstrated leadership activities post-graduation);
• Other topics of interest: (Amazing in-progress or completed projects such as challenges faced, unexpected accomplishments/successes, scholars leveraging previous skills, cultural competence initiatives, or student guided research/projects etc... ).

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