Cleveland State University

Cleveland, OH
NCIN scholars enriched the school and served as effective role models. School leaders say they are proud that the scholars are engaged in active practice and are growing in the profession.

Grant Years:

Degrees Conferred: 
Scholarships Awarded: 


Round 1: 2008-2009
Gaurav Chandar
Kaitlin Clark
Robert Crane
Brandon Danko
Michael Davies
James Fogle
Oliver Jamison
Renee Merlo
Nancy Miller
Katerine Moner
Davida Moore
Christie Ringfield-Jones
Thomas Scanlon
Stacy Smith
Melissa Wells
Richard Woodman
Matthew Zgodinski
Gary Zielinski
Round 2: 2009-2010
Sohinee Dutt
Adam England
William Gibson
Teresa Holstein
Christopher Jackman
Matthew Krohn 
NCIN grants enabled the school to expand its accelerated nursing program and significantly increase the number of underserved and minority students. Grant support helped raise the nursing program’s profile within the university and in the surrounding community—so much so that it caught the attention of a generous donor who included nursing in his scholarship portfolio.


They come from industry, business and teaching professions. They hail from both small and large communities around the country. But, however diverse their backgrounds, they share similar, defining attributes...


I believe this about nursing… “It has made a difference in my life.”