Mentor-Mentee Matching

Summit Year: 
Presented By: 
Cory Boyd, MS, MED, EDD, RN; Judith Martin-Holland, PHD, RN, FAAN
This was the first year that summit attendees embarked on a match-up, we hope that these connections still flourish after the meeting. At the bottom of this page you will find the flyer that outlines the event, if you would like to try it as well.

What to expect as a NCIN Program Mentee
As a new/almost new NCIN program liaison you have indicated an interest is working and collaborating with a NCIN mentor. You will be invited to self-select a mentor from experienced program liaisons who have agreed to serve as mentors. The selection process is based on mutual agreement. Your mentor will assist with helping you navigate the NCIN program requirements and we ask that they share their early challenges and strategies that resulted in success. You can expect to strengthen and build your network, and gain a better understanding of the overall goals and objectives of the NCIN program.

What to expect as a NCIN Program Mentor
As a mentor we ask that you assist new NCIN program liaisons and help pave the way for successful implementation of NCIN program requirements. We expect that you will derive satisfaction from helping others succeed. Your role as mentor is to assist and guide your selected mentees in achieving NCIN goals. Mentors and mentees come to mutual agreement that sets forth their commitments to each other. Mentors inspire, encourage, and contribute to professional and personal development of their assigned mentees.