University of South Florida

Tampa, FL
 The accelerated BSN program posted exceptionally high graduation rates; nearly all scholars (97%) graduated on time. The program’s mentorship and leadership activities helped ensure their academic success and retention during the program.

Grant Years:

Degrees Conferred: 
Scholarships Awarded: 


Round 1: 2008 – 2009
Tara Calise
Sarah Chamieh
Mia Deangelis
Marian Hardwick
Carey Ledee
Laura Pell
Frances Pitzer
Erin Robertson
Ariadna Rodriguez
Jennifer Swanson
Round 3: 2010 – 2011
Christina Bennett
Taylor Clark
Jennifer Finlayson-Russel
Barbra Gross
Dina Laveaux
William Sanders
Brad White
Round 4: 2011 – 2012
Lauren Brown
Michelle Francois
Jennifer McAndrew
Sue No
Chiara Stetson
 Courses that offered strategies for academic success, participation in student associations, and formal and informal faculty-student mento- ring relationships all contributed to the success of NCIN scholars. During the program, they took advantage of numerous opportunities to enrich their education, including attending a national conference sponsored by the University of South Florida on nurse education and research in veteran’s health. At the conference, they networked with doctorally prepared nurse leaders, learning about nursing’s contributions to research on issues identified by the White House and the Veterans Administration as priorities for veterans’ health. Through a monthly leadership program, the scholars met and spoke with numerous prominent nurse leaders, including nursing school deans, scientists, practitioners, educators, and community leaders.


I believe this about nursing… “Nursing education offers a platform to foster leadership and diversity in the healthcare industry.”