University of Illinois at Chicago

Chicago, IL
The school used a variety of vehicles to recruit scholars, including the website, internal and external updates, and the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) News, increasing both the class size and the number of students from backgrounds underrepresented in nursing.


Grant Years:

Degrees Conferred: 
Scholarships Awarded: 


 Round 1: 2008 – 2009
Yvette Johnson
Darice Linares
Christina Lopez
Leslie Moore
Maryam Mustafaa
Carmen Taylor-Mason
Jennifer Verploegh
 The NCIN scholarship program allowed the school of nursing to increase the class size as well as the diversity of the class. The school of nursing also added a faculty position with responsibility for the scholars’ clinical work. To get feedback on the program and ensure scholars’ engagement, the school conducted a survey of scholars and administrators and then faculty members met with the scholars on a regular basis.


This I believe about nursing… “It is a way of life for those willing to dedicate their time to helping others.”