Salisbury University

Salisbury, MD
NCIN was a catalyst for other initiatives, including a medical simulation center, shared hospital clinical faculty positions, 12 new part-time faculty (25 percent of whom are from groups underrepresented in nursing), and a DNP program.


Grant Years:

Degrees Conferred: 
Scholarships Awarded: 


 Round 2: 2009 – 2010
Gerald Brenner
Mary Cockey
Jon Ray Guzman
Sanette Jackson
Kristen Knepp
Rachael Lewis
Travis Pike
Lakshmi Ravi Sigamony
Round 3: 2010 – 2011
Stephanie Cyran
Aaron Deckenback
Bridget Devaney
Brittany Nelson
Patricia Rubin
Danielle Welch
Sarah Wray
Round 4: 2011 – 2012
Ginger Bemis-Wille
Kevin Harrison
Lateaseetta Kiggins
Deanna Mackey
Julianah Olla-Igbe
Faculty and administrators at the school of nursing have learned several lessons as NCIN grantees, including the importance of securing buy-in from as many faculty members as possible; keeping faculty updated and engaged; and ensuring that NCIN scholars understand the department’s expectations of them. Faculty and staff engage in ongoing communication and contact with scholars; they have created an events calendar and utilized weekly emails, invitations to small group updates, and bulletin board posts to help students find faculty mentors. To facilitate the mentorships, the department posted a table of faculty interests (both scholarly and personal) on its website. The department also used an online survey and focus group findings to guide improvements in the program, with a focus on mentoring.


This I believe about nursing… “Nurses treat not only the disease but also the patient, a task which they are able to accomplish with both wisdom and compassion.”

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is about giving “second” chances."

I believe this about nursing..."Nurses are not only the last line of defense they are also the first line of defense."

I believe this about nursing… “It is fascinating.”

I believe this about nursing..."Nursing is not simply a job, but it is a way of life; it is a true passion that never subsides."