NCIN Scholar Alumni Toolkit: Resources for Successful Transition to Professional Practice

NCIN Scholar Alumni Toolkit: 
Resources for Successful Transition to Professional Practice

The NCIN Scholar Alumni Toolkit was designed to provide nursing students and newly licensed nurses with the necessary leadership development and mentoring resources for successful transition from the student to professional role, and to lay the groundwork for continued professional growth.
The objectives of this toolkit were to: Offer information and advice throughout the job search process; provide guidance for establishing and sustaining successful mentoring relationships; suggest strategies for successful socialization into the nursing profession; provide information for defining career goals and a path for professional growth; guide pursuit of advanced education in nursing; and facilitate growth as a nurse leader.
Created in Collaboration with:
Ann Marie P. Mauro, PhD, RN, CNL, CNE
Assistant Dean and Director, Center for Educational Research and Innovation and Professor
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey School of Nursing 

Lori A. Escallier, PhD, RN, CPNP-PC
Associate Dean for Research Evaluations and Outcomes and Professor
Stony Brook University School of Nursing


Maria G. Rosario-Sim, EdD, PPCNP-BC, RNC-OB
Director, Nurse Practitioner Programs and Professor
State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center College of Nursing