University of Nebraska Medical Center

Omaha, NE
 Over the course of the program, NCIN scholars made such good progress that the college continued the NCIN Pre-Entry Immersion Program, as well as its mentoring, networking, and recruitment activities, even after the NCIN grant ended.

Grant Years:

Degrees Conferred: 
Scholarships Awarded: 


Round 5: 2012 – 2013
Bryan Barnett
Colin McDermott
Taylor Mueller
Benjamin Rosen 
 As an NCIN grantee, the nursing school implemented new strategies to recruit diverse students. School administrators participated in the Heartland Latino Leadership Youth Empowerment Summit College Fair to recruit Latino youth and invited officials from inner-city high schools and nonprofit organizations to attend a Nursing Showcase Open House at the college of nursing. School officials also worked with colleagues from the University of Nebraska Omaha to recruit students into its accelerated BSN program. Activities included briefings to academic advising groups and meetings with groups representing students in the health professions; African- American, Latino, Iranian, and Asian student associations; and the Global
Friends international group.