University of Delaware

Newark, DE
 NCIN scholars were afforded a variety of leadership opportunities and two scholars provided testimonials on the school’s website.

Grant Years:

Degrees Conferred: 
Scholarships Awarded: 


Round 4: 2011 – 2012
Amanda Borky
Christine Gregory
Bettina Holden
Daniel Pratt
Round 5: 2012 – 2013
Turquoise Abdullah
Idara Inokon
Priscah Kabui
Sebastian Molina-Flores
Yajaira Paugh
Round 6: 2013 – 2014
Shoaib Baqi
Alzetta Clay
Alma Donahue
Michelle Francis
Jesse Smith
Round 7: 2014 – 2015
Alton Haynes
Matt Heckle
John Labrador
James Satekla
Chelise Strickland 
 Leadership has been a primary focus of the NCIN program at the University of Delaware, where NCIN scholars had opportunities to serve as research or teaching assistants with faculty mentors. Mentors also helped scholars develop leadership goals and competencies. NCIN scholars consistently spoke at open houses for the accelerated nursing program which was a step forward as students from underrepresented groups had rarely helped recruit new students in the past. The NCIN scholarships positioned the university to receive a Health Resources and Services Administration diversity grant in 2014; it will be used to continue the work begun under the NCIN grant.


I believe this about nursing... "It is the frontline defense in the healthcare world."
I believe this about Nursing..."Nursing is a calling; it takes a strong heart, a warm heart and a compassionate heart."