University of Cincinnati

The NCIN program served as a catalyst for officials to review the school’s resources for students, and provided direction for the development of new resources and programs to support students.

Grant Years:

Degrees Conferred: 
Scholarships Awarded: 


 Round 7: 2014 – 2015
Jonathan Dicks
Lila Longmire
Daniel Perinovic
Eric Weber
Alyna Williams
 NCIN has helped increase the diversity of the student body in the accelerated BSN program and supported greater collaboration between the college of nursing and the university in supporting these students, including through the Emerging Ethnic Leader program and workshops on finance, time management, and prioritization. Even before becoming an NCIN grantee, the school of nursing was using NCIN’s Pre-Entry Immersion Program and mentor toolkits. Upon becoming an NCIN grantee, the university developed a mentoring program that paired students with two mentors, one in practice and the other in academia. These mentoring relationships support students while they are in school and in their professional careers after they graduate.