Seattle University

Seattle, WA
NCIN scholars have demonstrated leadership and served as effective liaisons between college administrators and students.

Grant Years:

Degrees Conferred: 
Scholarships Awarded: 


 Round 7: 2014 – 2015
Natasha Buranasombati
Kyle Fuhriman
Jesse Ream
Kelsey Tanaka
Todd Wright
 Nursing school officials identified five students new to the MSN-entry immersion program as NCIN scholarship recipients. After receiving one-on-one mentoring and continuous support, these scholars embraced their leadership roles at the college of nursing, and the result was cultural change that transformed the nursing education experience for all nursing students at Seattle University. All the NCIN scholarship recipients participated in admissions interviews this year, providing high quality feedback to the faculty selection committee. This was a major culture change for the college, as students have not been involved in these interviews in the past. Collectively, the NCIN scholars committed to several quality improvement projects.