Nebraska Methodist College

Omaha, NE
The NCIN program helped Nebraska Methodist College produce nurse leaders who are invested not just in excelling in their nursing careers, but in creating an enduring institution for their NCIN peers as well.

Grant Years:

Degrees Conferred: 
Scholarships Awarded: 


 Round 3: 2010 – 2011
Chad Collins
Brandon Echtenkamp
Linda Nguyen
Greory Opseth
Blake Smith
Round 4: 2011 – 2012
Joseph Antone
Shannon Docken
Jed Hansen
Tim Huber
Drew Krings
Dawn Mai
Maya Manjarrez
Steffi Raad
Aaron Williams
Sarah Yan
Round 5: 2012 – 2013
Troy Beekman
Kyle Campbell
Hubert Cleaver
Jennifer Drake
Tim Roberts
Round 6: 2013 – 2014
Analisa Best
Maureen Gatere
Ishmael Patterson
Allison Sundeen
Round 7: 2014 – 2015
Rachel Curry
John Gobel
Seth Williams
 The success of the NCIN program at Nebraska Methodist College may be best reflected by the impressive nurse leaders the school has produced. Former NCIN scholars mentor new cohorts of accelerated nursing students. These former scholars have also met with executive nurse leaders from Methodist Hospital for further guidance about their careers. One scholar recognized the need for an alumni network for all NCIN scholars, and his vision and leadership were instrumental in the creation of the thriving NCIN Scholars Network, created in 2012. All NCIN scholars can join, and Network leaders have participated in several NCIN annual summits. The Scholars Network will soon become an independent association. At present, two scholars from Nebraska Methodist serve on its steering committee.


I believe this about nursing... "It can be passed down from generation to generation."

I believe this about nursing…"Nursing is being an advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves."

I Believe This About Nursing…"No other profession combines the science of medicine with the art of patient care in the way nursing does."

I believe this about nursing… "Nursing provides flexibility and elasticity of choice affording those changing careers the ability to explore more positions than any other career field."

I believe this about nursing. . . "Nursing is an opportunity."

I believe this about nursing..."You have to have dedication and compassion."

I believe this about nursing..."I believe that nursing is about building compassionate relationships with others."




I believe this about nursing…"it is more than a profession, it is a vocation, a way of life, and will forever define who I am."

I believe this about nursing..."It is a way to keep growing and challenging yourself; educationally, physically, mentally, and what is life without opportunities seized is life unfulfilled."